100 Wildly Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend (2024)

Looking for cute romantic ideas to say to your girlfriend to melt her heart?

It’s not always easy to find the right words to express what you’re thinking or how you feel about her.

You’re not alone in this desire. And fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to show your girlfriend how much she means to you.

Wherever you are in your relationship, some things do bear repeating.

It doesn’t mean you have to use the same words, though.

To help you out, we’ve created this list of romantic things to tell your girlfriend.

What's In This Article?


  • How Can I Talk More Romantically to My Girlfriend?
  • 113 Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend
    • Romantic Things To Say That Will Make Her Cry With Happiness
    • Cute Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend
    • Sweet Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

How Can I Talk More Romantically to My Girlfriend?

Above, we’ve discussed exact romantic sayings and phrases you can use. But what about spontaneity?

How can you think more romantically and come up with sweet nothings on the spot?

  • Listen: Romance is rooted in listening. When you truly know your partner, you understand what makes them swell with joy and feel loved.
  • Be Honest: Empty professions of love are meaningless. They dissipate like a weak mist under a hot sun. So, think and speak from the heart if you want to improve your romantic abilities. Even if you’re not the next Shakespeare, with ribbons of moving sentiments rolling off your tongue, honesty will help you find endearing words that are meaningful to your partner. (Tip: Never underestimate the effectiveness of incorporating inside jokes into romantic gestures.)
  • Be Fearless: The best romance comes from a place of openness, so be fearless. Don’t worry about “sounding stupid” or some other negative judgment. Say what you mean and mean what you say — because authenticity is the essence of romance.
  • Prioritize Her: The goal of romance is to make your significant other feel special. So prioritize her likes and needs above your own. Make your girlfriend the star of the moment.

113 Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

It’s not weird to search other people’s words for loving things to say to your girlfriend.

People use quotes and poetry all the time to help them articulate their thoughts.

Putting your feelings into the right words is a challenge even for those who do that for a living.

So, why not benefit from those who’ve found the words that express what you’re trying to say to your girlfriend?

Ultimately, those words will make her swoon not because of how well-crafted they are, but because they come from you.

What you have together is what will give them meaning.

Romantic Things To Say That Will Make Her Cry With Happiness

Some expressions go right to the heart with such force, they bring tears to the eyes of the one you love — but only if the words ring true.

Be authentic as you choose from the list below.

1. I love you — not just for who you are but for who I am when I’m with you.

2. You’re the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

3. No matter what we’re doing, the time I spend with you is the best time of my life.

4. Thank you for always being there for me. You know me better than anyone. And you’re still here.

5. When I think of my future, what I want to see — more than anything — is you.

6. The story of you and me is my favorite epic love story.

7. You’re the one person I can count on to see the best in me.

8. You’re my best friend and the love of my life. I want to grow old with you.

9. You’re my person. I never thought I’d want someone in my life as badly as I want you.

10. All that time spent planning my career, and the one thing I want to be more than anything is yours.

11. With you, I feel comfortable just being myself. But I also want to be better.

12. You’re my favorite conversation partner. You always know just what to say.

13. If everyone looking for a girlfriend found someone like you, this world would be a completely different place. It would be better in all the ways that matter.

14. I’ve never wanted anything more than to make this work and to spend the rest of my life loving you.

15. Loving you is the best choice I ever made. And I’ll make it every day for the rest of my life.

16. I keep wondering how someone like me ended up with a woman like you. Maybe karmic justice is more about what we need than what we deserve.

17. I fell in love with you thinking you were perfect. Then I found out you weren’t, and I loved you even more. The only way we’re perfect is together.

18. When you smile, all the problems in my life seem small. Just seeing you outweighs everything else.

19. When you’re with me, you make me feel as though I can do anything.

20. Until I met you, I hadn’t realized how empty my life was without you. Or how full it was of emptiness. I’d rather fill it with you.

21. Because of you, I know what real love is. I can never thank you enough for that.

22. I won’t try to speak for you, let alone tell you what to think. But even when we disagree, I will always have your back. And I trust you to have mine.

23. I don’t know how you got under my skin. But now I can’t imagine loving anyone the way I love you.

24. Don’t make me choose between your hugs and your kisses. I need both.

25. You have a gift for listening and for saying what I need to hear — and always with a kind heart.

26. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and everything I need in my life.

27. The stars must have been perfectly aligned when I met you, my love.

28. You inspire me beyond words. I want to be a better man because of you.

29. I want to be your shoulder to cry on, your protector when you need me, and your lover for life.

30. How is it possible that you came into my life? I am the luckiest man alive.

31. I wake up thinking about you. I think of you all day. And when I turn out the light, you are in my dreams.

32. Sometimes, I am simply breathless when I see you. You are stunning in every possible way.

33. Would it be wrong to tell you that I never want to live without you? You are my everthing.

34. My heart aches from loving you so much. It's an ache I never want to go away.

35. I wish you were here so I could hold you tight and breathe in the intoxicating scent of your hair.

Cute Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

Some expressions of love are perfect for random, cute messages to share with your girlfriend — just because. They’re spontaneous and heartfelt but not overwhelming.

1. I smile so much more when I'm with you that my face muscles are getting a workout.

2. All I need in this world is you. And I need you here beside me.

3. Life without you isn't a life that I want.

4. I've never felt more alive than when I'm with you.

5. I want to laugh with you every day. Your laughter is my favorite sound in the world.

6. I still get butterflies whenever I see you. How do you keep doing that?

7. I want to hold onto you and never let go. You're my happy place.

8. Loving you is like breathing. If I try to stop, everything inside me starts to shut down.

9. I need you more than I need water. Without water, I'd last three days.

10. I've fallen in love hundreds of times. But it's always been with you.

11. Until I met you, I never used to be at a loss for words.

12. I don't think you realize what you've done to me. You've made me better than I ever thought I could be.

13. If I could wake up next to you every morning, every day would be a good one.

14. I started growing up the day I met you. You remind me of the person I want to be.

15. You're the reason strangers keep thinking I'm smiling at them — when I'm thinking of you. It's been awkward.

16. Seeing you and hearing your voice is all the medicine I need after a rough day. It's even better if I can be with you.

17. I'm pretty sure you're the reason cream does that thing it does when you pour it into coffee. You're magic. You make everything a dance.

18. If I were a stoplight, I'd turn red every time you pulled up. I still can't help it.

19. I want to make you laugh just so I can see how beautiful you look when you're laughing.

20. A day without you feels like a year. And a day with you passes way too quickly.

21. Our love is like ocean waves. Sometimes calmly rolling. Sometimes tempestuous. But always there.

22. I'm a better human being when I'm with you. What have you done to me?

23. I won't insult your intelligence by calling you an angel. I was n' t looking for one, anyway.

24. Life without you is like a broken pencil. Pointless. But still pokey.

25. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I want the rest of my life to start as soon as possible.

26. I want to see everything through your eyes. But I wish you could see yourself through mine.

27. When I let my mind wander, it always ends up with you. You're it's favorite place to go.

28. I used to laugh at people who talked about love at first sight. Then I saw you.

29. I wouldn't want to live in a fairy tale unless my happy ending was you.

30. I don't even try to get you off my mind. It's better with you in it.

31. You're the only person I'd want to be stranded on a desert island with.

32. After all the years we've spent together, you still take my breath away every time I look at you.

33. How do your kisses set me on fire and calm me down at the same time?

34. With your beautiful mind and my recklessness, who knows what we could accomplish.

35. Right now, I want nothing more than to make your day better. You do that for me without even trying.

36. You're the opposite of peer pressure; with you, I feel strong enough to do the right thing.

37. I'm never alone when I'm thinking of you. But when you're not here, I miss you so much it hurts.

38. Conversations with you are never dull. I can't wait just to sit and talk with you.

39. I love listening to you talk. I always learn something. And I love the sound of your voice.

40. No matter what you're wearing, I can't take my eyes off you. Or when I do, they want to go right back.

41. Why would I settle for being good on my own when life is so much better with you?

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Sweet Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

Check out these expressions when you just want to remind your girlfriend how sweet you are on her, and how much you love your time together. Bring a smile to her face and warm her heart.

1. Going out with you gives me the chance to show you off and spoil you at the same time.

2. You look beautiful today. But then, you do every day.

3. If I had to, I would wait all my life to be with you. No one else comes close.

4. Just thinking about you in the morning wakes me up. I never thought I’d actually wake up smiling.

5. As long as I’ve got you, I can do anything. We can take on the world together.

6. Just when I think I can’t be more in love with you than I am already, you go and prove me wrong.

7. Can I make you dinner? Just tell me when.

8. Thanks to you, life has never been better. You are the ultimate upgrade.

9. You are the music for my dancing. Without you, there’s neither.

10. Just looking at you lights me up inside. Darkness doesn’t stand a chance when I’m with you.

11. I used to wonder if love was worth fighting for. Then I met you. I’m ready for war.

12. My heart still skips a beat every time you smile at me.

13. I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night. Not saying I would have slept much if you’d been there, either.

14. You are the human embodiment of the perfect day. And I never want it to end.

15. You’re the standard by which I measure every other woman.

16. You’re my home. You’re where I belong and where I want to be.

17. I can’t give you the whole world. But I can give you mine. And it’s all yours.

18. No one gets me the way you do. No matter what happens, you know exactly what I need to hear.

19. The sound of your voice instantly makes my day better. Call me anytime!

20. Thank you for not pretending to be someone else when I met you. I might’ve missed out on the best thing that ever happened to me.

21. I only wish I’d met you sooner. I could have spent more of my life loving you and enjoying your company.

22. You’re the only person I know who changed me for the better without even trying to. I love the way you see me.

23. If you ever left, you’d leave a hole no one could ever fill. And the rest of me would fall into it.

24. If folks think I’m pathetic now, they should see me without you — not that I ever want them to.

25. Now that I know what life with you is like, I’m officially ruined for life without you.

26. You’re my first thought every morning, my last thought at night, and the best part of every day.

27. The moment I see you, I wonder what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. I want to be the person you think of first when you need a friend.

28. I look at you, and I want to relive all the best moments of my life. But this time, I want to enjoy them with you. It’s as though you always should have been there.

29. Even when you’re not smiling, your face is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

30. You make me want to spend more time learning how to be the person you deserve.

31. If you could see yourself the way I see you, you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off you, either.

32. Even on the worst days, all you have to do to make me smile is show up.

33. Never thought love languages were a thing. But you definitely know mine. And I want to speak yours all day long.

34. Let's slow dance together, my love, so I have another excuse to hold you close.

35. I just spent 15 minutes staring at your photo in disbelief that I have the hottest, most beautiful girlfriend ever.

36. If I think about you hard enough, is it possible to make you materialize right here in front of me?

37. I am completely and hopelessly love-struck. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't do anything except think about being with you.

How will you use these romantic things to say to your girlfriend?

Now that you’ve looked through all 100 of these romantic sayings, write down some of your favorites — or copy them into a list of your own.

The next time you spend a moment with your girlfriend, use one of them. Or send her a text with a message you know will make her smile.

Send her a gift with one of these sayings on a note. Or share some of them in a letter.

Let her know how important she is to you. Strong people aren’t afraid to be vulnerable with the people they love.

Show her she’s one of those people.

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100 Wildly Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend (2024)
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