MakeMKV v.1.17.7 evaluation period expired (2025)

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MakeMKV v.1.17.7 evaluation period expired

Postby dDavid »

I downloaded MakeMKV 1.17.7 for MacOS today and I cannot get the app to read a disk. I tried the beta key but I think it expired yesterday, and I tried reinstalling without a key and I get the message

"Evaluation period has expired. Please purchase an activation key if you've found this application useful. you may still use all free functionality without any restrictions'

However when I select OK it still does not allow me to Open a disk (by clicking on the optical drive icon)

Is there anything I'm doing incorrectly?

Last edited by dDavid on Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: MakeMKV v.1.17.7 evaluation period expired

Postby Woodstock »

The beta key expired the end of June; To use the beta version without a new key, you have set your system date set to the end of June, start the program, then you can set the date to current.

Or register. Or wait for the author to post a new beta key.


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Re: MakeMKV v.1.17.7 evaluation period expired

Postby Vamp898 »

I bought it and never regretted it =) it just works without the need of updating the Key and you support a good piece of Software


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MakeMKV v.1.17.7 evaluation period expired (2025)


Is MakeMKV no longer free? ›

If you like MakeMKV and you want to use it after your 30-days trial version expires, you need to purchase a registration key. Registration key is valid for all MakeMKV versions on all platforms. There is no expiration time or any subscriptions. MakeMKV is sold as "try-before-you-buy" software.

Is MakeMKV better than handbrake? ›

MakeMKV is better for users who prioritize video quality and speed over large file size. It excels in preserving the original quality of DVDs and Blu-rays and offers faster ripping speeds by avoiding video compression.

Can MakeMKV rip Blu-ray? ›

MakeMKV is a program for Windows, macOS, and Linux that can rip DVD and Blu-ray discs into the versatile MKV video format.

Does MakeMKV bypass copy protection? ›

In addition to ripping DVDs, MakeMKV can also remove copy protection from Blu-rays and rip Blu-rays protected with latest versions of AACS and BD+.

Do you lose quality with MakeMKV? ›

MakeMKV doesn't alter the video or audio streams at all (hence its processing speed) so the quality will be identical to the original source disc.

What is the difference between MakeMKV and Winxdvd? ›

MakeMKV vs WinX DVD Ripper: Supported Input Files

MakeMKV supports Blu-ray disc, DVD disc, Bluray files, DVD-VIDEO files, HD-DVD files, ISO files, and MKV files. WinX DVD Ripper doesn't support Bluray discs and Bluray files, but it has a good support for DVD discs, DVD VIDEO_TS folders, and ISO images.

Is HandBrake the best DVD Ripper? ›

Our number one pick - as it has been for a while - for the best free DVD ripper is unquestionably Handbrake, a powerful piece of open-source software that allows you to save video content in virtually any format. With no limits on file counts or the length of saved videos, it's the most effective free option out there.

Does MakeMKV cost money? ›

Functionality to open DVD discs is free and will always stay free. All features (including Blu-ray decryption and processing) are free during BETA.

Is VidCoder free? ›

VidCoder is free software. If you like VidCoder and want to express your appreciation, please donate the GiveWell Top Charities Fund.

Where does MakeMKV save files? ›

Varies with the operating system. But user-modified profile XML files should be stored in the MakeMKV data directory, which is set in Preferences->General.

Does MakeMKV require Internet? ›

Re: Downloading MakeMKV without Internet

Yes, the key can be manually entered (lots of people do it).

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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